A limited conservatorship is a protective proceeding for adults who are developmentally disabled. The purpose of limited conservatorships is twofold: First, to provide a proceeding for developmentally disabled individuals to have assistance when their disabilities...
Providing Customized Legal Solutions Since 1979
Month: January 2023
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Can a Developmentally Disabled Adult Execute a Power of Attorney or Advance Health Care Directive?
The short answer to this question is maybe. It depends on the capacity level of the adult. The question is raised when a developmentally disabled child turns 18 and is determined to be an adult and their parents no long have authority to make medical or financial...
Do you know about CalABLE accounts? UPDATED
UPDATED: CalABLE was thrilled to see that passage of the ABLE Age Adjustment Act was included in the Congressional Omnibus Spending Bill at the end of 2022. This Bill will amend the Internal Revenue Code to raise the age threshold from 26 to 46 for tax-favored ABLE...